Courses and Schedules

Courses and Schedules

Undergraduate Course Lists

Semester course lists are available below to help you determine which courses will satisfy your major's requirements for the current and upcoming semesters.

Select the option that best describes you:

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Degree Check Sheets

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Anthropology

 2012+ catalog years
 2009–2012 catalog years
 2006–08 catalog years

Minor in Anthropology/Bachelor of Interdisciplinary (BIS) Concentration

 2001+ catalog years

Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Global Health

 2014+ catalog years
 2012–2013 catalog years
 2008–2011 catalog years

Minor in Global Health/Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies (BIS) Concentration

 2015+ catalog years
 2009–14 catalog years

Bachelor of Science (BS) in Applied Mathematics for the Life and Social Sciences

 2013+ catalog years
 2009–2013 catalog years