Tuition and Paying for College

Tuition and Paying for College

Learn how to fund your college tuition

If you want to reap the benefits of having a college education, you shouldn’t let the cost of tuition stand in your way. A degree in the social sciences from the School of Human Evolution at Social Change at Arizona State University will prepare you to become part of the next generation of leaders. You’ll deepen your understanding of the human experience and learn how to solve some of society’s biggest concerns. You’ll also become an asset to a range of employers with a broad skill set. So make your education a priority because you’re well worth the investment.

In addition to financial aid packages with federal grants and loans, you can apply for scholarships specific to the university and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences to help pay for your college costs. Our school also offers a collection of awards and fellowships for undergraduate and graduate students. If you’re ready to start building a better future for yourself and the world, we’re here to help give you the resources you need to succeed. 

Financial Aid  Awards for Undergraduates Awards for Graduates