Undergraduate FAQs

Undergraduate FAQs

Undergraduate FAQs 

For questions about our undergraduate programs, curriculum, opportunities and more, the information below is a great place to start. Please visit our undergraduate advising page for advising information and FAQs.

Q: What is anthropology? 
A: Most simply defined, anthropology is the study of humans – who we are, including our culture, our beliefs and social behavior, our evolution and biology, our languages and our music, art and architecture, to name just some of the things that make us human. Anthropology is the study of people living today, as well as people who lived in the recent and distant past. It seeks answers to such important questions as how human behavior has and continues to change over time; why and how groups of people throughout the world share both cultural and biological similarities, as well as some dissimilarities; and how the human species has evolved over millions of years. Anthropology includes four broad subdisciplines that offer unique but overlapping perspectives on who we are:

  • archaeology
  • bioarchaeology
  • evolutionary (or physical/biological) anthropology
  • sociocultural anthropology (which includes linguistics)

Q: How do I declare the anthropology major? 
A: To declare the anthropology major you must meet with an academic advisor. You can make an appointment through our online scheduling system. In your appointment, the academic advisor will go over the degree requirements and have you sign the paperwork to change your major.

Q: What is required for the anthropology minor? 
A: The anthropology minor consists of 18 credits: 6 lower-division credits and 12 upper-division credits. You must choose 2 of the anthropology introductory courses (ASB 102, ASB 222/223 or ASM 104) and 4 upper-division anthropology classes in at least two subdisciplines. Six upper-division credits for the minor must be completed on the Tempe campus. To get more information about the anthropology minor, please schedule an appointment with an academic advisor.

Q: What can I do with a degree in anthropology? 
A: A bachelor’s degree in anthropology is a liberal arts degree. Our program hones students' abilities to think broadly and critically about the world around them; it trains students to seek not only the right answers, but to ask the right questions. These skills are critical for a successful career in any field. Some of the more obvious choices are professor of anthropology, contract archaeologist, librarian, archivist, museum curator, museum conservator, museum staff and environmental consultant. Many also find careers in the fields of business (anthropology is currently very popular in the business world), broadcasting, environmental and urban planning, journalism, film, law, health research, foreign service, education, law enforcement, publishing and tourism, to name only a few.

You can also find out more about what anthropologists do and your career possibilities on the American Anthropological Association website.

Q: What are the requirements for a Bachelor of Arts in anthropology? 
A: The anthropology major consists of a minimum of 31 semester hours in anthropology and a minimum of 3 semester hours in statistics. At least 18 of the semester hours must be in upper-division courses (300-400 level). For more information on program requirements, refer to the major map linked on the BA in anthropology page.

Q: What are the requirements for a Bachelor of Science in anthropology? 
A: The BS in anthropology consists of a minimum of 39 or 40 semester hours in anthropology and a minimum of 3 upper-division semester hours in statistics and at least one college-level calculus course. At least 18 of the semester hours must be in upper-division courses (300-400 level). For more information on program requirements, refer to the major map linked on the BS in anthropology page.

Q: What are the differences in the BA and the BS in anthropology? 
A: The two degrees are actually quite different. We generally recommend the BS degree for students who are primarily interested in evolutionary (physical/biological) anthropology or bioarchaeology. The BS is designed for students who want to concentrate on science- and mathematics-based anthropology courses, and it requires calculus and an upper-division statistics course. We generally recommend the BA for students who are interested in archaeology or sociocultural anthropology. We also recommend the BA degree for students who have a broad interest in the entire field of anthropology or for those who have not settled on their preferred sub-discipline. The BA degree does not require a lot of science or math courses. Instead, students must complete a second language and take classes from the major anthropology subfields. Students then have the option to focus on their preferred subfield through anthropology elective courses.

Q: Should I do a BA or a BS? 
A: Students should make this decision based on two things: 1) their academic and career goals; and 2) whether they are strong in math and science. Students who are looking to pursue advanced degrees in anthropology or the sciences and/or go on to medical school may prefer to complete the BS degree. Students who enjoy sociocultural anthropology or are not sure on which field of anthropology to focus should choose the BA. It is important to note that one degree is not seen as better than the other. Students who have further questions should set up an appointment to speak with their advisor.

Q: Can I take anthropology classes at other ASU campuses? 
A: The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences requires that students complete at least 12 semester hours of upper-division coursework at the ASU Tempe campus in the department/school of their major in order to be eligible for graduation. Students should check with their advisor before registering for anthropology classes on other campuses.

Q: What is the difference between ASB and ASM course prefixes? 
A: ASB stands for "Anthropology Social and Behavioral" and ASM stands for "Anthropology Science and Mathematics." Most of our sociocultural, archaeology and bioarchaeology courses are under the ASB prefix, while most of our evolutionary (physical/biological) anthropology classes are under the ASM prefix.

Q: How can I get involved in anthropology research in the School of Human Evolution and Social Change? 
A: There are many different research projects in which undergraduate students may participate. Please take a look at our research apprenticeship page to learn more. Also, it is a good rule of thumb for students to ask professors directly if they know of any research opportunities in which they can be involved.

Q: What is sociocultural anthropology? 
A: Sociocultural anthropology studies all aspects of human culture. The subdiscipline has a unique approach to collecting and analyzing data in which anthropologists go out into the communities to study and spend long periods of time observing people, talking to them and participating in their activities. While they may do some statistical analysis, their most important contributions usually come from qualitative analysis. This approach is called "ethnography." Because of its inductive, exploratory character, it is particularly suited to understanding complex, dynamic situations where changes are happening on several levels at once.

Q: What is archaeology? 
A: Archaeologists study human artifacts and remains in order to understand and explain human behavior. At ASU, a particular area of interest is understanding the long-term impacts of human activity on the landscape, and how past civilizations have coped with environmental and climate changes. Traditionally, archaeologists have excavated and analyzed the tools, weapons, pottery, architecture and other artifacts that were left behind by prehistoric societies in order to reconstruct their ancient cultures. Today archaeologists no longer limit themselves to the study of prehistoric peoples but also investigate more recent cultures, adding their insights to the information available to historians through the written record. Archaeologists also work as specialists in preserving knowledge of our country's past through historic preservation and cultural resource management.

Q: What is evolutionary anthropology? 
A: Evolutionary (physical/biological) anthropology is the study of the human body and human biology. This includes human anatomy, hominid evolution, genetic and physical variations of human populations across time and space and comparative primate studies. Bioanthropologists have also been involved in medical genetics research, forensics, developing standardized clothing sizes, protection of primate species and other activities related to contemporary issues.

Q: What is applied anthropology? 
A: Applied anthropology is simply "anthropology put to use" (to quote John Van Willigen). It is any kind of anthropological research that is done to solve practical problems. This means that there are stakeholders and clients who stand to gain or lose from the project. Anthropology can be used to solve problems in an enormous variety of fields. Some common examples include: health and medicine, business, human rights, education, environmental issues, community development, museums, disaster research and management and international development.

Q. Can I major in forensic anthropology at ASU? Do you have a certificate in forensic anthropology? 
A. We do not have a major or a certification in forensic anthropology at ASU. We offer two forensic anthropology courses, ASM 275: Forensic Anthropology and ASM 459: Advanced Forensic Anthropology. These courses provide students with a introduction to forensic anthropology methods and practice. Students who wish to pursue forensic anthropology as a career should focus heavily on evolutionary anthropology and generally need to take basic biology and anatomy courses as an undergraduate. Students will then need to go on for further graduate training to pursue a career in forensic anthropology.

Q: What is global health? 
A: To us, global health is much more and very different from public health. We understand that major health challenges stem from many factors well outside of disease – ecological, cultural, institutional, historical, evolutionary, social and technological. Any effective, sustainable solutions to our most pressing global health challenges will need to take all of these factors into account, including the complex ways in which they relate to each other. To do this, we apply cutting-edge methods and theories from the social and life sciences, including anthropology, mathematics, genetics, history, human biology, sociology and geography. Ill health is often created or exacerbated by power imbalances, poverty and other forms of social exclusion. A commitment to the principles of social justice and of community-centered and community-serving research is evident in everything we do, and central to how we address health challenges. We also strongly hold that the value of evolutionary and Darwinian perspectives on health expand our capacity to understand and address contemporary health problems, and our degrees include a clear appreciation for how evolutionary biology and the study of long-term history (such as through bioarcheaology) inform health problems and solutions.

Q: What can I do with a degree in global health? 
A: Nationally and internationally, the health field provides enormous and varied career opportunities, and demand for graduates with skills is high and only growing. The major would support the goals of those who plan to pursue careers in health services, whether in government agencies, NGOs or in private business or industry. The degree also provides those who plan advanced specialist health training, such as in nursing, medicine, dentistry or pharmacy, with a very broad intellectual base that will enhance the impact of later specialist training. This is because increasingly it is understood (e.g., Pew Health Professional Consortium report, Report of the National Commission on Allied Health) that the best health professionals will have interdisciplinary perspectives, social and cultural acuity (such as in cross-cultural settings) and team-oriented skills. In Arizona as elsewhere, there is a pressing need for professionals in just about every arena (public health, education, social services, nutrition, administration, policy, sales, market research, business, government agencies, etc.) with appropriate skills to work in cross-cultural settings or with underserved populations (such as migrants, minorities, those living in poverty), and many of these jobs are directly or indirectly related to health. Many of our graduates go on to medical or other professional schools, and others go on to work both in the US and internationally to pursue careers in academic research and teaching and in health services, whether in universities, government agencies, departments of health, international agencies, NGOs or in private business or industry. Graduates interested in pursuing research or scientific careers continue to graduate school to seek a master's or doctoral degree in fields such as public health, anthropology, evolutionary biology, infectious diseases, genetics, applied mathematics, geography, sociology, sustainability, environmental studies, demography or biology. Minors can use the insights gained to enhance their training in such diverse fields as business, law, medicine or biology, sustainability, nutrition or political science. The minor is relevant to almost all fields of endeavor because health is such a fundamental area of the human experience and also our national and global economy. Many jobs benefit from insights regarding why people get sick and what we can best do to address that.

Q: What are the requirements for a Bachelor of Arts in global health? 
A: Students are required to take 39 credits of course work for the major or 18 hours for the minor. Students must take an introductory course; an evolutionary/time depth course; a poverty/social justice course; a culture, society, and health course; a practicum; and elective courses. In addition, all students must participate in a specified study abroad program led by our program faculty. Students in the major also take a senior seminar/capstone. For more information about requirements, visit the major map linked on the BA in global health page.

Q: In what sequence must I take the required global health courses (intro course, practicum, study abroad and capstone) for the global health major? 
A: The following sequence of courses is suggested (other required courses not listed here can be taken in any sequence):

Freshman Year 
SSH 100 Intro to Global Health

Sophomore Year 
Study Abroad

Junior Year
Practicum (and Study Abroad if not taken earlier)

Senior Year
SSH 405 Capstone Seminar in the final semester prior to graduation

Q: What are the requirements for a minor in global health? 
A: Students take 18 credit hours, of which 12 must be at the 300 or 400 level. At least 12 credits must be ASU credits, and the study abroad requirement must be taken at ASU on one of our School of Human Evolution and Social Change study abroad programs. More information on global health minor is available here.

Q: Where can I learn about the accelerated MA/BA in global health? 
A: You can get general information on the global health MA page.

Q: In what sequence must I take the required global health courses (intro course, practicum, study abroad and capstone) for the global health minor? 
A: The following sequence of courses is suggested (other required courses not listed here can be taken in any sequence):

Freshman Year 
SSH 100 Intro to Global Health

Sophomore Year 
Study Abroad

Q: Why does the program require a study abroad experience? 
A: This degree is one of the only pre-medical degrees that does not charge a program fee in addition to your tuition. However, students are required to participate in an approved global health study abroad program to fulfill partial degree requirements. The goal of this required study abroad experience is to build students’ range of skills in relation to global health through first-hand experiences that are managed by ASU faculty. These experiences include exposure to health challenges and health systems in other countries, and most also integrate students to faculty research in non-U.S. settings and emphasize teamwork and collaborative skills. The study abroad experience is also a necessary preparation for the students' capstone projects. We expect students to participate in the faculty-led programs we specifically design for students in this major because they are designed to use specific case studies to integrate learning across the broader degree curriculum. However, another important aspect of the study abroad experiences is the opportunity to develop closer relationships with ASU global health faculty, graduate students and other students in the major/minor. These networks are extremely important as students plan to enter graduate school or careers. This is one reason we recommend that students take the study abroad program in their junior year, or as soon as possible.

Q: What study abroad programs are available for this major/minor? 
A: Please consult an advisor for information on the school's current study abroad programs that satisfy this requirement. Other study abroad programs do not fulfill this requirement. Independent travel, even as enrolled as an independent study with ASU faculty, also cannot be substituted for this requirement. Please do not enter this major or minor if this requirement will be a problem for you, as exceptions are rarely given. However, we do strongly encourage students to pursue additional study abroad and travel experiences as they can, and will work with students to help them gain degree credit for these. For students with compelling, documented reasons why they cannot travel, alternative arrangements will be made. Any exceptions to this requirement are only allowed if approved in writing by the school. See the School of Human Evolution and Social Change's academic advisors for more information.

Q: Are there ways to help offset the costs of the study abroad requirement? 
A: Under federal law, study abroad program costs, including airfares and program fees, are covered by financial aid, just like other educational expenses. The Center for Global Education Services can help you budget and prepare for financial aid. Also note, the costs of study abroad are the only additional fees above regular tuition paid by students in the global health programs. In the larger picture, this represents a very modest level of additional expenses; other undergraduate public health-related programs often apply significant additional program fees or differential tuition. Please refer to our page on planning and financing your study abroad program.

Q: Are there any summer or winter study abroad programs? 
A: Typically, only summer programs are available. Planning ahead is crucial. The latest you should take the study abroad is the summer before the semester you plan to graduate.

Q: Can I take the required study abroad after I graduate? 
A: No. Students need to take the study abroad before they graduate and before they enroll in the capstone seminar. You CANNOT graduate without fulfilling the study abroad requirement.

Q: Are there any exceptions to the study abroad requirement? 
A: Because one of the goals is to get to know your peers in the degree program and our faculty, we do not allow exceptions to the study abroad requirement. However, if you have a truly extraordinary circumstance, you should schedule an appointment to speak with your advisor no later than Feb. 1 before the summer in which you would do your study abroad.

Q: What is a practicum (required for majors)? 
A: The goal of the practicum experience is for students to have first-hand experience of tackling health issues or questions in the real world. These can take a range of forms (excavation, service learning, supervised research), and are expected to be in a form that expands the students' skill set (i.e., is something the student does not have much if any prior experience with). These can be completed in the Phoenix or immediate Arizona area. Students can either take these as approved specific courses or sign up with individual faculty. We particularly encourage students to conduct their practicum in low-resource settings, or those very culturally different from their own; we also strongly encourage students to articulate their activities with ongoing faculty research. To be beneficial, practica require sustained faculty supervision; thus independent activities not conducted as part of a supervised course do not qualify. Generally, practica should last at least one semester for at least 10 hours a week; or be conducted as part of a full-time multi-week experience in the summer (e.g., Kampsville Field School).

Activities taken prior to entry into the major or not cleared with the advisor before participation cannot be counted as completing the requirement.

Q: What is a capstone seminar (required for majors)? 
A: The goal of the capstone is to demonstrate through an independent project the skills and knowledge the student has gained in the degree program, including levels of professionalism, and to make final preparations for life after graduation (e.g., preparing for graduate school, career). This is taken the last semester of the program, and students must have completed their practicum and study abroad experience before enrolling in the capstone.

Because students will be required to develop and execute an independent project by the end of the capstone, planning ahead is essential. We expect students to be ready to fully participate in the course by having developed a track record of working on faculty research projects in prior semesters; building on their practicum and study abroad experiences; and through independent study supervised by faculty throughout their degree programs.

The final project can take any form, but should identify and address some global health challenge. For example, it might be a web-based health education campaign, or it could be more traditional forms of student-led research. In the capstone the student will also work on his or her resume and identifying career opportunities, and will network with other students.

Q: When can I take the capstone seminar? 
A: The SSH 405 Capstone is taken the last semester of your program and is only offered in fall and spring semesters. You MUST have completed the study abroad and practicum before you take this course and should also be completing the 39 required credit hours in the same semester. Students who have not completed the practicum and study abroad will not be allowed to enroll in the capstone seminar.

Q: Can I substitute classes I have taken at ASU or another college for the required courses? 
A. You must submit the Petition for Substitution of a Course and provide proper documentation. Contact your advisor for more information.

Q: How does the BA in global health senior seminar/capstone requirement relate to an honors thesis? 
A: The senior seminar/capstone credit hours (SSH 405) should be taken in addition to the 6 required honors thesis hours. However, it is possible to complete a related project for the capstone project you will complete in the senior semester (SSH 405), such as public presentation or an application of your honors thesis work.

Q: How can I get involved in research? 
A: While not a formal degree requirement, majors are strongly encouraged to begin supervised research experience as early as possible in their programs. This helps students develop specific skills and networks that are important once the student reaches the capstone seminar. At the time of the capstone, students must have an independent project already in mind or underway. Research experiences are normally credited as SSH 499 Individualized Instruction, wherein a student works with a professor. A good way to begin is to offer to work with faculty on an existing research project in order to build research skills and to help the student develop ideas for an independent research project. Students can take SSH 499 multiple times (up to 9 credit hours), which can be applied to the 39 credit hours required for the degree. You can search for research opportunities by getting to know faculty and through the School of Human Evolution and Social Change's Research Apprenticeship Program.

Q: Is this degree good for pre-med students? 
A: Yes, this is a great degree for students who wish to pursue a professional degree in health-related fields. If a student is interested in a doctoral health career, they are not required to major in a science to be a premedical or predental student. Students admitted to American medical schools and the other professions come from all possible undergraduate majors. Students should choose a major based on their interests, and global health offers a range of courses that is appealing to a variety of students. However, students must also take a number of science prerequisites and receive acceptable grades in those courses. Students pursuing the BA in global health will be able to fulfill their major requirements, as well as their pre-health prerequisites, in the 4 years it takes to complete the degree.

Q: How do I get pre-health advising? 
A: Students pursuing admission to professional schools in the health professions must choose a major offered by ASU. However, specific courses must be taken to prepare the student to take the MCAT or other entrance examinations and to succeed in postbaccalaureate training. Therefore, students who plan to pursue a health profession should meet regularly with the Health Professions staff for guidance. While this guidance does not replace the need to meet with an advisor in the department of the student's major, health professions advising is a necessary supplement. Visit their website for further details.

Q: What types of things can I get involved in to build my resume and/or CV? 
A: Please visit our student life page, which lists different opportunities, such as study abroad and field schools, clubs, internships, volunteering and leadership.

Q: What can I do to make myself competitive for the job market and/or graduate school? 
A: Once you graduate you will have many opportunities to continue with your education and/or career path. Starting your freshman year you can take advantage of many opportunities to build your resume, such as joining clubs and organizations, participating in the Barrett Honors College, studying abroad, participating in field schools, getting involved in research, doing volunteer work/internships and getting to know your professors.

Q: What is a faculty mentor? 
A: During the School of Human Evolution and Social Change's student orientation in early fall, all anthropology majors will have an opportunity to meet the members of the school's undergraduate committee. The committee includes an undergraduate academic advisor, the undergraduate director and faculty members from the different anthropology approaches (evolutionary anthropology, social and cultural anthropology and archaeology). Majors will also have an opportunity to learn about the educational mission of the school's approaches and degrees, as well as academic and professional program highlights that may be of particular interest to students.

It is the student's responsibility to seek academic and professional guidance. When appropriate, the undergraduate academic advisors will refer students to one or more undergraduate committee members for additional help, guidance and mentorship. Alternatively, the academic advisors – in consultation with the undergraduate director and another member of the undergraduate committee – may refer the student to another faculty member within the school or another ASU unit who may be best suited to provide advice for the student's particular interests.

A team approach that involves the academic advisors, the undergraduate director and faculty members will allow students access to valuable information on 1) different career paths that anthropology students might follow; 2) helpful courses in anthropology and in other areas; 3) important career-related background courses; and 4) advanced degree programs beyond the baccalaureate level. If the student has developed good, solid relationships with faculty mentors during their college career, the mentors may agree to write letters of recommendation for graduate school and other post-baccalaureate career opportunities.

Q: What is the Barrett Honors College, and how can I be admitted? 
A: The Barrett Honors College is a “community of students dedicated to superior undergraduate education.” The Barrett Honors College offers students special housing facilities, advising, priority at pre-registration, unique courses and opportunities to study abroad. Visit the Barrett Honors College website for admissions information.

Q: Where can I find out about opportunities, upcoming classes and School of Human Evolution and Social Change general information? 
A: All ASU students are encouraged to subscribe to the “School of Human Evolution and Social Change - Undergraduate Information” organization on Blackboard. Once a member, you will be notified of scholarship and fieldwork opportunities. There will also be information about upcoming classes and lectures, along with general information. This is the main source for up-to-date information on events within the School of Human Evolution and Social Change. You can subscribe by logging onto my.asu.edu:

  • Click on “myASU Courses.” Another window will open up and take you to Blackboard.
  • Click the third tab at the top that says “Organizations.” Type in “School of Human Evolution.” “School of Human Evolution and Social Change-Undergraduate Information” will be one of the choices.
  • Click “enroll.” When you sign onto Blackboard it will appear under your “Organizations” box. From there you can access the organization site and navigate the informational tabs on the left-hand side.

Q: What do I need to do to apply for graduate school? 
A: Many graduate schools can be very competitive and are looking for excelling students who have participated in activities as undergraduates. Application materials are different for each graduate program, but in general they may require:

  1. a personal statement
  2. three letters of recommendation
  3. GRE scores, and
  4. a writing sample.

Many programs have application deadlines in December or January for fall entrance. For example, if you are graduating in May and want to begin a graduate program in August, you must submit all your materials by December of your senior year. Therefore, it is important to take your GRE early in case you need to re-take the exam. Also, give your professors time to write letters of recommendation for you.

Q: Where can I find out about graduate schools? 
A: While searching the Internet is a good way to look for graduate schools, your professors are the best resource. Once you have decided to go on to graduate school, and once you have narrowed your research interests, you should search for faculty who have similar interests and schedule a meeting with them. Be sure to come prepared to the meeting with questions regarding your academic and career path.

Q: How can I apply to the School of Human Evolution and Social Change? 
A: You must apply to the university and declare a major in anthropology, global health or applied mathematics for the life and social sciences. You can apply online.

Q: Are there any minimum requirements to be accepted into the anthropology, global health or applied mathematics for the life and social sciences program? 
A: Our minimum requirements are the same as the university's.

Q: I have been admitted to ASU as a transfer student; what do I need to do now? 
A: You need to make an advising appointment. Before your appointment, you must read over the information on the transfer student web page, which outlines what you must do before your appointment and also highlights the university, college and major requirements.

Q: How do I find out what classes I have to take to graduate? 
A: You may refer to the transfer admissions web page to learn about the university, college and major requirements. Also, a DARS report is designed to show students what course requirements are still unfulfilled.

Q: What is a DARS report and how do I get one? 
A: DARS is an automated process that matches a student's completed courses with the requirements of a particular academic degree program, resulting in a report that shows which requirements are satisfied and which requirements remain to be fulfilled. It is intended to serve as a guide for efficient selection of courses toward graduation. You may request a DARS report online through My ASU.

Q: Is there a suggested plan if I want to graduate in four years? 
A: You should consult the major maps for your degree program to help you graduate in a timely manner.

Q: When can I transfer from a community college and what do I need to do? 
A: You are considered a transfer student if you have completed (or are in the process of completing) 24 or more credit hours at the community college. You must apply to ASU and have your transcripts sent from every college attended previously. Refer to the Undergraduate Admissions website for more information.

Q: How do I know what classes transfer from an Arizona university or community college? 
A: You may refer to the Transfer Credit Guide to get an idea of how your community college or university classes will transfer to ASU.

Q: How do I transfer my credits from an out-of-state college or private college? 
A: You must first apply to ASU and be accepted. After you are admitted, you need to request a transfer evaluation through the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Q: I am an Arizona community college student; what classes should I take to transfer to ASU? 
A: The Arizona Transfer website has valuable information on what courses you can take at the community colleges that fulfill your major requirements. However, you should talk to your advisor at your community college regarding completing the Arizona General Education Curriculum (AGEC), which is guaranteed to transfer to ASU and fulfill all your lower-division general studies.

In addition, if you are pursuing a B.A., you should also complete MAT 142 and a second language through the 202 level (if you are already fluent in a second language, you do not need to take a third language). If you wish to pursue a B.S., you should complete at least one calculus class.

Q: I am an out-of-state student who plans to transfer to ASU; what courses should I take? 
A: While we cannot say which classes will transfer and which ones won't, here are some common courses: ENG 101 and 102, statistics, college-level math or higher, two 4-credit lab science courses, two humanities classes and two social/behavioral science classes. In addition, please review the curriculum for your major to identify any introductory classes that your college/university may offer. If you plan to pursue a B.A., you should also complete a college-level mathematics course and a second language through the fourth semester (202 level); if you are already fluent in a second language, you do not need to take a third language. If you wish to pursue a B.S., you should complete at least one calculus class.

Q: Where can I find out more general information about transferring to Arizona State University? 
A: Please visit the university's transfer web page.

Q: Where can I get the descriptions of courses? 
A: You can search the online schedule of classes. Using the drop-down menus to limit the search to "course catalog" under the search type, you should choose which general studies you wish to search.